Asian Century In The Making
The inherent character of political power is vying for control over resources. In the pursuit of control over more resources, rulers seek to centralise power and expand control in the larger range of territory. This is how empires are built. When the central authority weakens, the empire begins to crumble in a way Benjamin Franklin said ‘empire diminishes like a cake from the edges’. In this phenomenon of history, several empires came into being and eventually turned into footnotes of history. In the words of Colombia University professor Jeffrey Sachs, ‘an empire is a state that uses force to impose rulers on another country’. The empire building started with the dawn of civilization. Until the mid-20th century, empires were built by means of force, war, coercion and sabotage. Roman, Ottoman, Byzantine, Egyptian, Chinese, Russian, British and several other empires were built and vanished. The empire is the manifestation of centrality of international power. The empire bu...