No Flaws In Electoral System
Yuba Nath Lamsal:- For Immanuel Kant, politics is a moral vocation and morality should be the paramount concern of politics and politicians. However, that is not the case in the present day politics in the world. In the public eyes, politics, now, is viewed as an unpredictable enterprise. Politics is no longer a philanthropy but appears to be lucrative enterprise motivated by personal and partisan interest, wherein morality, values and principles have taken a back seat. This is not an isolated case of Nepal but a general trend everywhere in the world. However, this trend is more in developing and least developed countries. According to US International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, state of global democracy is on the decline. Similarly, the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU), a research wing of the Economist Group, says in its annual global democracy index that the overall state of democracy is eroding. According to EIU report, currently 45.4 per cent global popu...