Call For A Nuke-free World
Yuba Nath Lamsal: The United Nations General Assembly on December 2, 2009 adopted a resolution, declaring August 29 as the International Day against Nuclear Tests. Since then, August 29 is observed every year as the International Day against Nuclear Tests. The 29th of August was chosen to mark the anti-nuclear test day to coincide with the anniversary of the Soviet Union conducting the first nuclear test in 1949 in Semipalatinsk currently in Kazakhstan and also the day this site was permanently closed in 1991. This is also the date when Kazakhstan ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2019. Since then, August 29 is marked globally with appeal to all countries and people in the world to ban all kinds of nuclear tests and also cease to proliferate nuclear weapons in the world. Nine countries — the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel — are currently the nuclear powered states possessing nuclear weap...