Bi-polar World Better For Power Balance
Yuba Nath Lamsal French anthropologist and historian Emmanuel Todd says “Third World War has started”. Todd, in his book “The Third World War Has Started”, says “United States is already waging the World War Three”. His assertions are based on the two premises. One is the Ukraine war and its worldwide ripples. The other is the economic warfare the United States has announced against Russia and China. According to him, many countries are in a way or the other involved in the war. Russia and Ukraine are physically face to face on the battleground, whereas several countries are fighting proxy war. Economically, the war is tougher and wider as the entire world has suffered from its consequences like disruption in the supply chain, energy crisis and rising inflation. The economic sanction that the United States and Western countries have slapped against Russia has sent further shockwaves worldwide. The number of countries that are engaged in this war ...