China stands tall in global arena
Yuba Nath Lamsal
Upon victory of Chinese Revolution on October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong, the architect of modern China, proudly declared the establishment of People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square proclaiming ' We, the Chinese people, have now stood up'. True to Mao's words, China has stood and is standing tall in the world economy accompanied by military power, thanks largely to the great people's revolution of China and pragmatic leadership and hard work of the Chinese people. As envisioned by the founding fathers and their successors, China stands now as a proud country and a model of development for the countries and people in the developing world.Of a few miraculous events that the world has seen in the modern history of mankind, Chinese Revolution is one of them, which has been a source of inspiration for liberation movements across the globe. The charisma and commitment with which the founding fathers of modern China like Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Chu The, Deng Xiaoping and alike led the revolution that defeated Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary Kuomintang regime backed by imperialist powers and established the People's Republic of China, continues to be a role model for billions of poor and downtrodden people in the world even today. The revolution not only heralded a new course in China's political history but also completely changed the international power equation putting China on the global spotlight and reviving once again China's lost glory and pride.The CPC, under whose banner the Chinese Revolution was launched and succeeded, was founded on July 1, 1921 in Shanghai by Mao with just 50 members. Now the CPC has grown so rapidly to become the largest political organization in the world with more than 80 million active members, which elucidates party's massive popularity among the Chinese mass. According to Wang Qinfeng, deputy head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, who recently briefed the media persons on the achievements China made during the last 62 years in Beijing, more than three million people joined the CPC only last year (2010). More young Chinese are being attracted to the CPC because of the role the party has played for the transformation and development of China creating tremendous opportunities for the people both at home and abroad.As said by Mao Zedong, China has stood up and is marching ahead on the path of development so rapidly and resolutely that it has already been a second largest economy leaving behind Japan. There are credible projections that China is poised to become the world's largest economy surpassing the United States within a couple of decades. The entire credit goes to the Communist Party of China, its committed and visionary leaders and the determined and hard-working people.The 90-year history of China since CPC was founded marks a tumultuous period-war, civil strife, foreign attacks and interference, famine and hunger. This period can be divided into five phases-war, renaissance, reconstruction, reforms and technological innovation. The period between 1921 and 1949 was an era of war when the entire strength of the party and its cadres was concentrated on the liberation of China from the Kuomintang rule and also from the external attacks and intervention. The protracted war fought by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in close collaboration with the people and under strict guidance, instruction and supervision of the CPC is, perhaps, the longest and most successful liberation war in the world.The period of 1949 and 1976 is an era of revival of national pride and reconstruction. During this period, the CPC, under the guidance and leadership of Mao, consolidated power quickly and moved to gain confidence of the Chinese population, particularly by addressing economic, social and cultural problems that had worsened during the civil war. The immediate priority of the new found revolutionary government was to restructure social relationship, effect economic restructuring and land and agricultural reforms in order to stimulate agro-production and industrial growth across the country. These moves built good rapport and relations between the communist party and the people. The massive land and agricultural reforms enhanced farm outputs and dramatically reduced hunger and malnutrition in the Chinese countryside. The other priority of the new regime was to unify the country and end foreign domination in which CPC was successful. At a time when confidence of Chinese people was low because of external attacks, interventions and domination followed by internal exploitation of the reactionary rulers, incredible perseverance and skillfully conceived strategy of the CPC and its leaders instilled a deeper sense of patriotism in the mind and heart of the Chinese people that not only boosted China's national confidence and pride but also drew colossal respect from ordinary people and even critics of the CPC. The series of policy initiatives that were announced and implemented after the revolution transformed the semi-feudal, illiterate and agrarian society into a modern, progressive and egalitarian country.The 'three antis' (anti-corruption, anti-extravagance, and anti-bureaucracy) move launched by the CPC soon after the revolution became so popular among the people that China began to see a new national culture-culture of fairness, efficiency, competence and accountability. This move not only discouraged corruption and bureaucratic red tape but also maintained austerity in order to address economic woes China had faced for a long time during the war and also transformed the country into a socialist state, which was the integral objective of the overall mission of the Chinese revolution.China did make a leap forward on many fronts. As the country was devastated by series of wars, reconstruction was carried out in a massive way. Infrastructure development is still the priority of the present government. Despite efforts of stimulating growth, agricultural production, industrialization and uplifting the living condition of the people, China was still a poor and developing countries. Tens of millions of people lived in poverty and backwardness. Although country was liberated from feudal rule and external domination, the liberation of the people from poverty, hunger and disease still remained a major challenge of the revolutionary government.In 1976 China faced a leadership setback as Mao Zedong, the central figure of Chinese revolution and a source of inspiration, passed away. Although he no longer remains mortally, Mao lives on in the mind of over a billion Chinese people even today. The demise of the 'great helmsman' as Mao is called, had given rise to speculations both within and outside China that a new leadership struggle would escalate in the CPC. But China sailed through smoothly as Deng Xiaoping, the pragmatist and paramount leader, came in to fill the void left by Mao's demise. Deng's rise marked a new chapter in China's history.With the rise of the 'tiny giant of a man' as Deng was called, China entered into a new phase of history with focus on opening up and economic reforms and modernization-a brand of new era of development. The reforms were pursued so vigorously that turned China into a modern economic power house accompanied by increased international clout.The arduous struggle and strenuous efforts of 60 years under the government of CPC in general and 32 years of economic reforms have brought about momentous changes in otherwise impoverished and backward China. Deng often used to recall the old Chinese saying 'one has to cross the river by feeing with feet the riverbed' was a reference to China's inexperience in economic reforms. Taking it as a mantra, Chinese leaders backed by the people pursued reforms which have done wonders on the path of building socialism.Some classical Marxists and critics of the reforms dubbed the changes as the degeneration into capitalist and revisionist path. But Deng and other leaders called it 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' or socialist market economy'. 'It does not matter whether the cat is black or white it should catch the mice' was Deng's oft quoted saying which convinced the people to support and participate in the march to modernization. The pragmatic practice proved that building socialism with Chinese characteristics is a broad road to economic prosperity and all-round social progress in China.Under the great banner of Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought and also with Deng's development vision, China is marching ahead steadily and resolutely and now stands as a powerful and prosperous country in the world. Deng's followers like Jiang Jemin and President Hu Jintao gave continuity to his reform initiatives. Jiang's presidency was an early phase of modernization with focus on economic reforms, whereas Hu's tenure is the period of consolidation of reforms and technological innovation. As the second largest economy and also poised to become the largest economy in the world, China has not only focused on its domestic development but has lately felt its international obligation and seems to be committed to assist the poor and developing countries in the world. President Hu and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao appear to be determined to work resolutely for further consolidation of Chinese brand of socialism, which is being followed by several other countries in the world as their model for development. The CPC had laid down the mission and set the vision to completly liberate the people from poverty, hunger and backwardness right from the beginning. With the reforms and modernization process picking up momentum, this vision is slowly being materialized. Tens of millions of people are lifted from absolute poverty every year and China plans to completely eradicate poverty in the next one decade. The World Bank has hailed these actions of China as a possible model of poverty reduction in other countries.The successes and setbacks of the CPC during the period of 90 years can be important lessons for the communists and working class all over the world. The Communist Party of China has shown the world that, despite ills and odds, missions and objectives could be achieved, if the party leadership was able to visualize the dangers ahead and accordingly take appropriate moves and measures to tackle them taking the people along. This maturity and far-sightedness could be seen in the leadership of the CPC, which lacked in other communist parties elsewhere in the world. It is now, expected that the CPC would further develop a world vision, strategic capabilities and correct developmental and ideological orientation for the development of China and also the world. In the name of pragmatism and seizure of opportunities, China should not give its ideological stance and fraternal relationship with the rest of the world.
Upon victory of Chinese Revolution on October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong, the architect of modern China, proudly declared the establishment of People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square proclaiming ' We, the Chinese people, have now stood up'. True to Mao's words, China has stood and is standing tall in the world economy accompanied by military power, thanks largely to the great people's revolution of China and pragmatic leadership and hard work of the Chinese people. As envisioned by the founding fathers and their successors, China stands now as a proud country and a model of development for the countries and people in the developing world.Of a few miraculous events that the world has seen in the modern history of mankind, Chinese Revolution is one of them, which has been a source of inspiration for liberation movements across the globe. The charisma and commitment with which the founding fathers of modern China like Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Chu The, Deng Xiaoping and alike led the revolution that defeated Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary Kuomintang regime backed by imperialist powers and established the People's Republic of China, continues to be a role model for billions of poor and downtrodden people in the world even today. The revolution not only heralded a new course in China's political history but also completely changed the international power equation putting China on the global spotlight and reviving once again China's lost glory and pride.The CPC, under whose banner the Chinese Revolution was launched and succeeded, was founded on July 1, 1921 in Shanghai by Mao with just 50 members. Now the CPC has grown so rapidly to become the largest political organization in the world with more than 80 million active members, which elucidates party's massive popularity among the Chinese mass. According to Wang Qinfeng, deputy head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, who recently briefed the media persons on the achievements China made during the last 62 years in Beijing, more than three million people joined the CPC only last year (2010). More young Chinese are being attracted to the CPC because of the role the party has played for the transformation and development of China creating tremendous opportunities for the people both at home and abroad.As said by Mao Zedong, China has stood up and is marching ahead on the path of development so rapidly and resolutely that it has already been a second largest economy leaving behind Japan. There are credible projections that China is poised to become the world's largest economy surpassing the United States within a couple of decades. The entire credit goes to the Communist Party of China, its committed and visionary leaders and the determined and hard-working people.The 90-year history of China since CPC was founded marks a tumultuous period-war, civil strife, foreign attacks and interference, famine and hunger. This period can be divided into five phases-war, renaissance, reconstruction, reforms and technological innovation. The period between 1921 and 1949 was an era of war when the entire strength of the party and its cadres was concentrated on the liberation of China from the Kuomintang rule and also from the external attacks and intervention. The protracted war fought by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in close collaboration with the people and under strict guidance, instruction and supervision of the CPC is, perhaps, the longest and most successful liberation war in the world.The period of 1949 and 1976 is an era of revival of national pride and reconstruction. During this period, the CPC, under the guidance and leadership of Mao, consolidated power quickly and moved to gain confidence of the Chinese population, particularly by addressing economic, social and cultural problems that had worsened during the civil war. The immediate priority of the new found revolutionary government was to restructure social relationship, effect economic restructuring and land and agricultural reforms in order to stimulate agro-production and industrial growth across the country. These moves built good rapport and relations between the communist party and the people. The massive land and agricultural reforms enhanced farm outputs and dramatically reduced hunger and malnutrition in the Chinese countryside. The other priority of the new regime was to unify the country and end foreign domination in which CPC was successful. At a time when confidence of Chinese people was low because of external attacks, interventions and domination followed by internal exploitation of the reactionary rulers, incredible perseverance and skillfully conceived strategy of the CPC and its leaders instilled a deeper sense of patriotism in the mind and heart of the Chinese people that not only boosted China's national confidence and pride but also drew colossal respect from ordinary people and even critics of the CPC. The series of policy initiatives that were announced and implemented after the revolution transformed the semi-feudal, illiterate and agrarian society into a modern, progressive and egalitarian country.The 'three antis' (anti-corruption, anti-extravagance, and anti-bureaucracy) move launched by the CPC soon after the revolution became so popular among the people that China began to see a new national culture-culture of fairness, efficiency, competence and accountability. This move not only discouraged corruption and bureaucratic red tape but also maintained austerity in order to address economic woes China had faced for a long time during the war and also transformed the country into a socialist state, which was the integral objective of the overall mission of the Chinese revolution.China did make a leap forward on many fronts. As the country was devastated by series of wars, reconstruction was carried out in a massive way. Infrastructure development is still the priority of the present government. Despite efforts of stimulating growth, agricultural production, industrialization and uplifting the living condition of the people, China was still a poor and developing countries. Tens of millions of people lived in poverty and backwardness. Although country was liberated from feudal rule and external domination, the liberation of the people from poverty, hunger and disease still remained a major challenge of the revolutionary government.In 1976 China faced a leadership setback as Mao Zedong, the central figure of Chinese revolution and a source of inspiration, passed away. Although he no longer remains mortally, Mao lives on in the mind of over a billion Chinese people even today. The demise of the 'great helmsman' as Mao is called, had given rise to speculations both within and outside China that a new leadership struggle would escalate in the CPC. But China sailed through smoothly as Deng Xiaoping, the pragmatist and paramount leader, came in to fill the void left by Mao's demise. Deng's rise marked a new chapter in China's history.With the rise of the 'tiny giant of a man' as Deng was called, China entered into a new phase of history with focus on opening up and economic reforms and modernization-a brand of new era of development. The reforms were pursued so vigorously that turned China into a modern economic power house accompanied by increased international clout.The arduous struggle and strenuous efforts of 60 years under the government of CPC in general and 32 years of economic reforms have brought about momentous changes in otherwise impoverished and backward China. Deng often used to recall the old Chinese saying 'one has to cross the river by feeing with feet the riverbed' was a reference to China's inexperience in economic reforms. Taking it as a mantra, Chinese leaders backed by the people pursued reforms which have done wonders on the path of building socialism.Some classical Marxists and critics of the reforms dubbed the changes as the degeneration into capitalist and revisionist path. But Deng and other leaders called it 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' or socialist market economy'. 'It does not matter whether the cat is black or white it should catch the mice' was Deng's oft quoted saying which convinced the people to support and participate in the march to modernization. The pragmatic practice proved that building socialism with Chinese characteristics is a broad road to economic prosperity and all-round social progress in China.Under the great banner of Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought and also with Deng's development vision, China is marching ahead steadily and resolutely and now stands as a powerful and prosperous country in the world. Deng's followers like Jiang Jemin and President Hu Jintao gave continuity to his reform initiatives. Jiang's presidency was an early phase of modernization with focus on economic reforms, whereas Hu's tenure is the period of consolidation of reforms and technological innovation. As the second largest economy and also poised to become the largest economy in the world, China has not only focused on its domestic development but has lately felt its international obligation and seems to be committed to assist the poor and developing countries in the world. President Hu and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao appear to be determined to work resolutely for further consolidation of Chinese brand of socialism, which is being followed by several other countries in the world as their model for development. The CPC had laid down the mission and set the vision to completly liberate the people from poverty, hunger and backwardness right from the beginning. With the reforms and modernization process picking up momentum, this vision is slowly being materialized. Tens of millions of people are lifted from absolute poverty every year and China plans to completely eradicate poverty in the next one decade. The World Bank has hailed these actions of China as a possible model of poverty reduction in other countries.The successes and setbacks of the CPC during the period of 90 years can be important lessons for the communists and working class all over the world. The Communist Party of China has shown the world that, despite ills and odds, missions and objectives could be achieved, if the party leadership was able to visualize the dangers ahead and accordingly take appropriate moves and measures to tackle them taking the people along. This maturity and far-sightedness could be seen in the leadership of the CPC, which lacked in other communist parties elsewhere in the world. It is now, expected that the CPC would further develop a world vision, strategic capabilities and correct developmental and ideological orientation for the development of China and also the world. In the name of pragmatism and seizure of opportunities, China should not give its ideological stance and fraternal relationship with the rest of the world.
dear yuba nath ji,
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