Communist Party of China: Tests and Trials of 90 Years
Yuba Nath Lamsal
China marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on July 1, 2011. On this occasion, China is reviewing and reassessing its success, setbacks and lessons learnt and experienced during the arduous 90 years that were marked by many ups and downs; dangers and dissensions; and challenges and opportunities.It is, indeed, an opportune time to assess how the party was able to achieve remarkable success in economic front and accordingly chart out future strategy to cope with the newer challenges in the present global context. The speed and pace with which China is rising and the economic miracle it has achieved remains no more the concern of China alone. China's success is an issue of academic discussion how it was possible in China and not in other country, what impact it would have on global economy and politics and what the world in general and the developing countries in particular can learn from this remarkable achievement.China has already emerged as the second largest economy in the world leaving behind Japan and projections are that it is on the march to become world's largest economy in a couple decades surpassing the United States of America. The emergence of China on the world scene is the most significant event in the global political, economic and strategic spheres since the end of the World War II. Moreover, given its size, location, and dynamism, a rapidly growing China would definitely change the global balance of power and world order.China's economy and its accomplishments are closely tied with the global economy and anything that takes place in China will have global repercussion. China's phenomenal changes and developments are, thus, subject of global concern. This issue would dominate academic discourse for at least next couple of decades in the world. At a time when the Western countries are facing history's worst economic crisis and the rest of the developing world is struggling to come out of massive poverty, unemployment and backwardness, the dynamics and driving forces that accelerate the pace of China's economic achievements could be lessons to be learnt for all including the developed and developing countries alike.What is the driving force and basis of the miraculous feat China has achieved especially in economic front. The first and the foremost is the correct ideological orientation accompanied by pragmatist policies and people's centered programmes. It has been clearly proven that the people's support is the key contributor to the success China has made over the past 90 years, despite many odds and ills.The world knows that these achievements were not accomplished over night. It took long and arduous efforts and exercises during the 90 years of history of Chinese Communist Party and 62 years since People's Republic of China was established. In the 90 years journey from poverty to prosperity, both CPC and China have suffered several internal revolts and foreign invasions especially before the revolution of 1949. During the revolution, CPC adopted two-pronged strategy-one targeted against feudal and reactionary Kuomintang regime and the other one was against the foreign attack and interventions. These correct tactics of the CPC perfectly served its strategy and earned massive support and respect of the Chinese people. Guided by Marxism, the Communist Party of China put the interests of the people and the country atop all other agendas, which not only defeated the reactionary regime and established the People's Republic of China but also freed China from external invasion and domination.The party has established a strong bond and link with the people. Even now, the CPC and the government adopt policies and programmes taking into account the feelings and sentiments of the people, which win the trust of the masses. Even if the party and the government feel the need of going against the tide of popular sentiments due to the overall interest of the country, it convinces the people on the compulsion and necessity. Once convinced, people have always backed the government and the party, which have been demonstrated on several occasions of difficulties in the past. There are occasions that the party and the government did not have even a slightest of hesitation to withdraw the policies and programmes that did not serve the interest of the people, despite having their good intentions. The decision to backtrack the policy of ' Great Leap Forward' launched in 1958 by Mao Zedong, the architect of modern China, can be taken as its example. If the parties' policies clash with the expectations and sentiments of the people, they are bound to fail, which may frustrate people and create gulf between the party and the people. This is the bottom line of the CPC, which tries to derive its strength from the mass support but not from a mere party clique and government's sycophants. This is the fundamental difference between the bourgeoisie party and the communist party and also between the Communist Party of China and other parties in the world.The Communist party of China led the revolution, liberated and modernized the country mobilizing large army of Chinese people from every corner of the country. This became possible only when the party won the trust of the people. The party knows well that support comes from the trust and lively and active relationship with the people, which the CPC has maintained right from its founding 90 years ago. Unlike tendency of parties in most of the countries that break relationship with the people once they go to power and take decision that may be detrimental to the interest of the people, the CPC took the people as its support base. As a result, the party has maintained its rule for 62 years in China despite reactionary conspiracies both from within and outside. The leaders like Mao, Chou Enlei, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao took this as a mantra and were able to transform China from poverty-stricken to industrialized country. With opening up and economic reforms going on in full swing but in cautious manner, China is determined to build socialist market economy and carry forward the mission of China's advancement in all spheres.The credit mainly goes to the founding fathers of the Chinese Revolution more particularly Mao Zedong, who not only laid a basis of China's self-dignity and development but also developed a new model of revolution. Chinese Revolution was a great victory of workers, peasants and proletariats in China and also a source of inspiration for the working class in the world. Mao showed the way how revolution in feudal and semi-feudal countries can be launched successfully, which is described as the new people's revolution. Karl Marx propounded the philosophical concept and theory of proletarian revolution in the capitalist countries for the emancipation of mankind from exploitation, discrimination and repression. But in countries where capitalism has still not been developed and which are in the state of feudalism and semi-feudalism, a new model of revolution was necessary based on Marxism, which Mao developed in Chinese Revolution. V. I. Lenin successfully implemented Marxism in the October Revolution of Russia, in which Marxism was developed into Marxism-Leninism. In Chinese Revolution, it was further developed into Marxism-Leninism and Mao Thoughts or Maoism.After Mao's demise in 1976, pragmatist leader like Deng Xiaoping came to the limelight of power in China and consolidated the achievements of the revolution and steered further China into modernization and prosperity. Mao completed political mission of emancipating Chinese people from feudal exploitation and repression and foreign domination, Deng initiated economic revolution and pushed its forward which made China economically power house of the modern day.The Communist Party of China has gone through many tests, trials and turbulences in its journey of 90 years. The CPC that survived and ruled for such a long period because of its vitality and perseverance can be important lessons for the communist parties and working class throughout the world. In many developing countries, Chinese Revolution is being taken as a model of new people's revolution. It is more in South Asia, Africa and Latin America as revolutions are being launched with more vitality and vigor strictly following the model of Chinese Revolution and on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and Maoism/Mao Thoughts.So far as Nepal is concerned, Chinese Revolution had a greater impact. Nepalese revolutions, too, have been inspired by Chinese Revolution and Mao Zedong's thoughts or Maoism. The Communist Party of Nepal was established in 1949 solely inspired by the triumph of Chinese people and Chinese Revolution. Whether it is Jhapa armed uprising of the CPN-ML or the ' People's War' of the CPN-Maoist, ideological foundation was Marxism-Leninism-Maoism/Mao's Thoughts and the singular inspiration was Chinese Revolution. This is more so because China prior to 1949 revolution and present Nepal have many similarities and conditions. The journey, success and setbacks of Chinese Communist party have direct bearing in Nepal as the CPN-Maoist is now in the process of institutionalizing the achievements of ' People's War. The 90th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party is, thus, an important event not only for China but also for the communist parties, proletarian and working class in Nepal and also the world. The objective analysis of the success and setbacks of Chinese Revolution would provide the revolutionaries a correct direction to advance the revolution in Nepal.
China marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on July 1, 2011. On this occasion, China is reviewing and reassessing its success, setbacks and lessons learnt and experienced during the arduous 90 years that were marked by many ups and downs; dangers and dissensions; and challenges and opportunities.It is, indeed, an opportune time to assess how the party was able to achieve remarkable success in economic front and accordingly chart out future strategy to cope with the newer challenges in the present global context. The speed and pace with which China is rising and the economic miracle it has achieved remains no more the concern of China alone. China's success is an issue of academic discussion how it was possible in China and not in other country, what impact it would have on global economy and politics and what the world in general and the developing countries in particular can learn from this remarkable achievement.China has already emerged as the second largest economy in the world leaving behind Japan and projections are that it is on the march to become world's largest economy in a couple decades surpassing the United States of America. The emergence of China on the world scene is the most significant event in the global political, economic and strategic spheres since the end of the World War II. Moreover, given its size, location, and dynamism, a rapidly growing China would definitely change the global balance of power and world order.China's economy and its accomplishments are closely tied with the global economy and anything that takes place in China will have global repercussion. China's phenomenal changes and developments are, thus, subject of global concern. This issue would dominate academic discourse for at least next couple of decades in the world. At a time when the Western countries are facing history's worst economic crisis and the rest of the developing world is struggling to come out of massive poverty, unemployment and backwardness, the dynamics and driving forces that accelerate the pace of China's economic achievements could be lessons to be learnt for all including the developed and developing countries alike.What is the driving force and basis of the miraculous feat China has achieved especially in economic front. The first and the foremost is the correct ideological orientation accompanied by pragmatist policies and people's centered programmes. It has been clearly proven that the people's support is the key contributor to the success China has made over the past 90 years, despite many odds and ills.The world knows that these achievements were not accomplished over night. It took long and arduous efforts and exercises during the 90 years of history of Chinese Communist Party and 62 years since People's Republic of China was established. In the 90 years journey from poverty to prosperity, both CPC and China have suffered several internal revolts and foreign invasions especially before the revolution of 1949. During the revolution, CPC adopted two-pronged strategy-one targeted against feudal and reactionary Kuomintang regime and the other one was against the foreign attack and interventions. These correct tactics of the CPC perfectly served its strategy and earned massive support and respect of the Chinese people. Guided by Marxism, the Communist Party of China put the interests of the people and the country atop all other agendas, which not only defeated the reactionary regime and established the People's Republic of China but also freed China from external invasion and domination.The party has established a strong bond and link with the people. Even now, the CPC and the government adopt policies and programmes taking into account the feelings and sentiments of the people, which win the trust of the masses. Even if the party and the government feel the need of going against the tide of popular sentiments due to the overall interest of the country, it convinces the people on the compulsion and necessity. Once convinced, people have always backed the government and the party, which have been demonstrated on several occasions of difficulties in the past. There are occasions that the party and the government did not have even a slightest of hesitation to withdraw the policies and programmes that did not serve the interest of the people, despite having their good intentions. The decision to backtrack the policy of ' Great Leap Forward' launched in 1958 by Mao Zedong, the architect of modern China, can be taken as its example. If the parties' policies clash with the expectations and sentiments of the people, they are bound to fail, which may frustrate people and create gulf between the party and the people. This is the bottom line of the CPC, which tries to derive its strength from the mass support but not from a mere party clique and government's sycophants. This is the fundamental difference between the bourgeoisie party and the communist party and also between the Communist Party of China and other parties in the world.The Communist party of China led the revolution, liberated and modernized the country mobilizing large army of Chinese people from every corner of the country. This became possible only when the party won the trust of the people. The party knows well that support comes from the trust and lively and active relationship with the people, which the CPC has maintained right from its founding 90 years ago. Unlike tendency of parties in most of the countries that break relationship with the people once they go to power and take decision that may be detrimental to the interest of the people, the CPC took the people as its support base. As a result, the party has maintained its rule for 62 years in China despite reactionary conspiracies both from within and outside. The leaders like Mao, Chou Enlei, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao took this as a mantra and were able to transform China from poverty-stricken to industrialized country. With opening up and economic reforms going on in full swing but in cautious manner, China is determined to build socialist market economy and carry forward the mission of China's advancement in all spheres.The credit mainly goes to the founding fathers of the Chinese Revolution more particularly Mao Zedong, who not only laid a basis of China's self-dignity and development but also developed a new model of revolution. Chinese Revolution was a great victory of workers, peasants and proletariats in China and also a source of inspiration for the working class in the world. Mao showed the way how revolution in feudal and semi-feudal countries can be launched successfully, which is described as the new people's revolution. Karl Marx propounded the philosophical concept and theory of proletarian revolution in the capitalist countries for the emancipation of mankind from exploitation, discrimination and repression. But in countries where capitalism has still not been developed and which are in the state of feudalism and semi-feudalism, a new model of revolution was necessary based on Marxism, which Mao developed in Chinese Revolution. V. I. Lenin successfully implemented Marxism in the October Revolution of Russia, in which Marxism was developed into Marxism-Leninism. In Chinese Revolution, it was further developed into Marxism-Leninism and Mao Thoughts or Maoism.After Mao's demise in 1976, pragmatist leader like Deng Xiaoping came to the limelight of power in China and consolidated the achievements of the revolution and steered further China into modernization and prosperity. Mao completed political mission of emancipating Chinese people from feudal exploitation and repression and foreign domination, Deng initiated economic revolution and pushed its forward which made China economically power house of the modern day.The Communist Party of China has gone through many tests, trials and turbulences in its journey of 90 years. The CPC that survived and ruled for such a long period because of its vitality and perseverance can be important lessons for the communist parties and working class throughout the world. In many developing countries, Chinese Revolution is being taken as a model of new people's revolution. It is more in South Asia, Africa and Latin America as revolutions are being launched with more vitality and vigor strictly following the model of Chinese Revolution and on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and Maoism/Mao Thoughts.So far as Nepal is concerned, Chinese Revolution had a greater impact. Nepalese revolutions, too, have been inspired by Chinese Revolution and Mao Zedong's thoughts or Maoism. The Communist Party of Nepal was established in 1949 solely inspired by the triumph of Chinese people and Chinese Revolution. Whether it is Jhapa armed uprising of the CPN-ML or the ' People's War' of the CPN-Maoist, ideological foundation was Marxism-Leninism-Maoism/Mao's Thoughts and the singular inspiration was Chinese Revolution. This is more so because China prior to 1949 revolution and present Nepal have many similarities and conditions. The journey, success and setbacks of Chinese Communist party have direct bearing in Nepal as the CPN-Maoist is now in the process of institutionalizing the achievements of ' People's War. The 90th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party is, thus, an important event not only for China but also for the communist parties, proletarian and working class in Nepal and also the world. The objective analysis of the success and setbacks of Chinese Revolution would provide the revolutionaries a correct direction to advance the revolution in Nepal.
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