Can Dr Baburam Bhattarai Deliver?

Yuba Nath Lamsal

A new government headed by Maoist ideologue Dr Baburam Bhattarai is at work,
which has taken some new initiatives to revive the hope of the people. The
peace process that started five years ago is in a crossroad. The fate of the
peace process is uncertain because none is sure that the political process
that began five years ago would arrive at a meaningful conclusion in near
future. However, the formation of the Bhattarai-led coalition government has
revived the hope and given impression that the peace process now would be
expedited and concluded at the earliest.

When the peace process started, there was a competition among parties and
leaders to claim its ownership and take its credit. As the situation got
complicated, the parties have given up their ownership of the peace process.

The 12-point agreement that was reached between the alliance of seven
parliamentary parties and the Maoists was the starting point of the peace
process. The peace process is, thus, the brainchild of the parliamentary
parties and the revolutionary force. In the seven-party alliance were the
Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and other fringe parties. The ownership of the
peace process lies on both parliamentary parties and the Maoists and
responsibility to conclude the peace process equally lies on them.

All the existing political forces are the beneficiary of the political and
peace process initiated five years ago. The only looser is the royalist
force that had opposed the new political process right from the beginning.
When the peace process began, monarchy was in power that ruled with iron
fist denying the people with their basic democratic rights and freedom. The
seven party alliance which used to advocate constitutional monarchy was
forced to enter into an agreement with the Maoists against the monarchy. One
of the key points of the 12-point agreement was the abolition of monarchy,
which was practically implemented after the election to the Constituent
Assembly. The monarchy was critical of the 12-point agreement and the peace
process. The monarchical forces had billed the deal between the
parliamentary parties and the Maoists and the peace process as an unholy
alliance. But the unfolding developments exhibited the fact that those who
opposed the peace process ultimately perished. The abolition of monarchy can
be analyzed and understood against this background.

The abolition of monarchy brought about a new sense of elation and euphoria
among the people. There had been widespread expectations among the general
mass that the republican set up would herald a new era in which peace would
be institutionalized, political stability ensured and people's life
uplifted. However, nothing significant has, so far, been achieved even in
five years after the peace process began and three years since the monarchy
was abolished.

The declaration of republican set up is an important achievement in Nepal's
political history. People for the first time in Nepal's history have turned
into sovereign citizens from the subjects of the king. Monarchy was the
symbol and patron of feudalism in Nepal and its abolition was a historic
necessity. Monarchy was abolished in Nepal more than 200 years after the
American War of Independence and French Revolution. The American War of
Independence liberated the United States from the British colony and
established a republican set up, which is the first republican system of
government in the world. The American War of Independence was followed by
the French Revolution that brought about a new wave of intellectual
consciousness and renaissance in the world. The American war of
Independence was a source of inspiration for national liberations all over
the world, whereas the French Revolution, which began with the cardinal
slogan of ' liberty equality and fraternity', inspired revolutionary people
for radical change all over the world. Although the United States was the
first republican system in the world, the French Revolution was the real
driving force for republican democracy and freedom in the world.

Nepal is the youngest republic in the world. Currently we are in the process
of institutionalizing the achievements obtained in the April Movement of
2006 or Jana Angolan II. We must seriously analyze why the Jana Angolan II
succeeded in 19 days which could not be done in three years. After the
Gyanendra's takeover, the seven parties went to street protesting against
king's absolute rule. However, the protests had no impact for almost three
years and the king continued his absolute regime in an adamant manner. But
the movement suddenly picked momentum after the 12-point agreement was
reached and the Maoists joined it. The Maoists have, thus, a major role in
the movement and political change in 2006 and thereafter. On this basis,
credit should go to the Maoists' armed insurgency and their mobilization of
the people for the political change we have witnessed.

In fact, the politics of Nepal has been revolving around the agenda of the
Maoists since 2006. The Jana Angolan II had four main agenda. Those four
agendas were: election to the Constituent Assembly, abolition of monarchy,
federalism and reinstatement of parliament. The Constituent Assembly
election, federalism and abolition of monarchy were Maoist agenda whereas
the reinstatement of parliament was the agenda of the Nepali Congress. The
Congress agenda was addressed immediately after the success of the Jana
Angolan II as parliament was reinstated. The Maoist agenda, too, were
addressed by successfully conducting the Constituent Assembly election and
declaring Nepal as a republic.

In addition to these main agendas, the Maoists pushed for several other
issues including the proportionate electoral system, secularism and
inclusive democracy. The Maoists had demanded fully proportionate system of
election. However, agreement was reached for a mixed system. Secularism,
too, was implemented as the Interim Constitution has declared Nepal as a
secular state. Most of these agendas have already been implemented and some
are in the process of being implemented. But the issue concerning federalism
is yet to be settled. Although all parties have agreed for federal structure
of the country, they have deferred on its modality, number and structure.

The writing of the new constitution is the first priority at present which
would formally institutionalize the achievements and agendas of the Jana
Angolan II. It is known to all that federalism, secularism, proportionate
electoral system, inclusive and representative democracy and republican set
up are the Maoist agenda. Other parties accepted these Maoist agendas for
peace and democracy.

Political contradictions and deadlock cropped up after the Constituent
Assembly election. The emergence of the Maoists as the largest party in the
Constituent Assembly election was a shock to the Nepali Congress and the
CPN-UML. They had earlier believed that the Maoists would trail in the
distant third position in the election. The arm-chair analysts and pollsters
had predicted the CPN-UML to be the largest and the Nepali Congress the
second largest force in the Constituent Assembly. But the elections results
completely changed the political situation.

The Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML were suddenly taken a back. Previously
the parties had thought that they would lead the peace and constitution
writing process and accordingly deal the newer agenda in a way that would
suit the interest and policy of the parties. The election results gave the
Congress and the UML the impression that the entire political process was
slipping out of their hand. The people mandated the Maoists to play the lead
role constitution writing and peace e process, which was hardly digested by
other parties. The problem and deadlock, thus, began right after the
Constituent Assembly election, which continues even today.

In the period of three years since the Constituent Assembly election was
held, we saw four different governments with identical rhetoric but
different approaches and working style. Against this background, Dr Baburam
Bhattarai is in the wheel of the government. There are high expectations of
the people on Dr Bhattarai's leadership. Bhattarai is a politician of a
high intellect and vision. It is expected that the once stagnated
constitution writing and peace process would be brought back into tract and
concluded at the earliest. Prime Minister Bhattarai has promised to complete
this process and accorded due priority to constitution and peace. But his
real test lies on how he can handle the fragile coalition and deal with the
adamant and susceptible opposition. These tasks cannot be accomplished
without the support of the opposition parties especially the Nepali
Congress. Dr Bhattarai's ability and public image is, thus, in the crucial
