US, China in search of better world order
While the world undergoes deepening crisis of various manifestations, the two largest economies—the United States and China— are making their best efforts to keep the global economy afloat. For this, Washington and Beijing are working hard mainly to keep their relations within constructive channels and work together to reshape the world order. China and the United States are so intertwined economically that the present global crisis triggered by economic downturn cannot be addressed without their joint initiatives and ingenuity.
The exchanges of visit of high level delegation of both the countries on different occasions are illustrative of the fact that Beijing and Washington are engaged in serious and businesslike dialogue to address the core bilateral issues on which future of the world has clearly hinged. The European Union and the United States are in deep financial crisis at present and are looking to Beijing for their rescue. So far largely untouched by the global meltdown, some early symptoms suggest that Chinese economy, too, may suffer crisis. But it is too early to predict what course the Chinese economy would take to avert the global crisis. Aware of this possibility, Chinese officials are moving cautiously to avert possible crisis for which Beijing is dealing with the world economic powers in a way that would benefit the world.
In the process of exchanging dialogue and sharing experiences to tackle the global problems, Beijing and Washington are using various forums to resolve some of the core bilateral issues and also the global problems. In this connection, Vice President of People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping recently visited the United States and held extensive discussion with US leaders and other matters concerning economic and trade between these two countries.
This visit was also intended to familiarize the Chinese President in waiting with US leaders and officials and core bilateral issues. While it provided opportunity for China’s would be president to understand the position of the United States on various issues, it was opportunity for the US officials to read the next Chinese President. Thus, both the countries attached greater importance to Xi’s visit, as he is taking over Chinese presidency late this year. Xi during his visit to Washington and other cities spoke his mind from which it became clear that China attaches importance to cooperation with the United States on global affairs. There are, of course, some differences on the perception and approach to some key issues especially on matters relating to human rights, democracy and monetary policy. The United States often criticizes China on human rights issues and demands more freedom. However, China has its own definition of human rights and democracy. The United States and Western countries value more on individual rights and freedom, whereas China considers it a western and capitalist concept. China values more on duties to the community than individual rights. Right to life that includes access to adequate food, dignified housing and other basic needs are more important for China while the West especially the United States values more on civil and political rights. This is the fundamental difference between the Unites States and China on human rights issue. On the issue concerning democracy as well, they differ on fundamental values.
But the core issues between these two countries are the economy and trade. All other issues including human rights and democracy are shelved aside when the economic interests are at stake. Economic ties between China and the United States are stronger and more important than political relations. They are cautious not to allow the economic relations and cooperation to deteriorate. The remarks and rhetoric that Chinese and US officials made during Xi’s visit in Washington are indication that they are not going to make any significant departure from their earlier policies and position. Xi was firm that China’s current policies are pragmatic enough which would see no change during his tenure as President. However, both countries have demonstrated willingness to readjust their policies on some issues in order accommodate concerns of one another without compromising their core principles.
The extensive and in-depth discussion between Xi and US leaders has provided opportunity to understand one another as Xi taking over power late this year. Despite having different approaches on certain issues, both the countries are on the same boat as the old global order is in the process of collapse and a new order is beginning to emerge. China has already emerged as a global power, whereas the United States is slowly losing its status of a lone superpower.
As the United States is going to presidential election in September this year, China issue has taken a central stage in electoral debate. President Barak Obama is seeking reelection and talking of more aggressive policy towards China especially on issues concerning human rights and monetary policy. Obama’s overture comes as a counter to his opponents in the Republican Party who have fired strong salve for being too weak in dealing with China. The over-hype on China issue is a testament of China’s stronger role in charting out future course of the United States. This is so particularly because the US economy is heavily dependent on China. Irrespective of their accusations and counter-accusations, neither Republicans nor Democrats are likely to risk their countries relations with China especially in the present crisis-ridden period. The United States and China cannot afford to ignore one another. And they are bound to cooperate and work together.
China has already pumped huge amount of money into the United States and if China withdraws its investment, the US economy would be in further crisis. US investment in China is also huge and Washington cannot risk the investment of American businessmen in China by spoiling relationship with Beijing. Chinese economy is export based and largely depends on exporting its products to US market. Given this situation, Washington and Beijing must search for more meaningful and more constructive cooperation. Any miscalculation and misstep would not only harm the economies of the two countries but also have adverse impact on global political and economic order.
China’s rise in the global arena is being viewed by Washington as a challenge to US influence and domination. This is true, to some extent. China has been consistently made its position clear that its rise is for peaceful purpose and it would pose no threat to any country in the world. But Washington and other global powers are skeptical about China’s rise. At a time when US power is diminishing, China is definitely a power to reckon with which is going to change the global order. Moreover, China’s assertive role in the international arena has made the United States and some other countries susceptible, although China’s rise as a challenger to the US domination is a good news for the countries of the developing world. The use of veto power by China along with Russia in the United Nations Security Council on resolution concerning Syria is a testament of China’s assertive role and challenge to the US and Western countries on international issues. These are some of the instances that speak of China’s rise and growing assertive role in the international arena.
Despite this, China is seeking to collaborate with the United States and the vice versa. Better cooperation between the world\'s two largest economies is expected to reduce tension in the world and help to make the world a better and safer place and more so in the Asia and the Pacific Region. Beijing is seeking Washington’s positive role for peace and development in the Asia and the Pacific Region and avoid unnecessary tension and provocation. By seeking positive role, China wants the United States not to be provocative in its neighborhood especially in South China Sea. Being so close to China, Nepal’s interests would be best served if the United States and China cooperate and not confront.
All these rhetoric and developments show that China and the United States are both friends and competitors. They have their own strength and weaknesses. Both these countries would benefit if they cooperate rather than confront. The world would also benefit from the greater cooperation between these two largest economies. For more constructive and meaningful cooperation, both the countries need to understand their mutual positions, concerns and sensitivity. The recent visit of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping provided opportunity to understand one another’s mind on various issues confronting the world. This is expected to help in creating better world order.
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